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My ORCID is 0000-0002-4060-1738.
Equal contributions are denoted by *, and equal senior authorship by #.
Dynamically learning to integrate in recurrent neural networks
Bordelon, B., Cotler, J., Pehlevan, C., and Zavatone-Veth, J. A.
[arXiv] -
Combining sampling methods with attractor dynamics in spiking models of head direction systems
Pjanovic, V., Zavatone-Veth, J. A., Masset, P., Keemink, S. W.#, and Nardin, M.#
[bioRxiv] -
Two-point deterministic equivalence for stochastic gradient dynamics in linear models
Atanasov, A.*, Bordelon, B.*, Zavatone-Veth, J. A.*, Paquette, C., and Pehlevan, C.
[arXiv] -
A model for place field reorganization during reward maximization
Kumar, M. G., Bordelon, B., Zavatone-Veth, J. A., and Pehlevan, C.
[bioRxiv] -
Risk and cross validation in ridge regression with correlated samples
Atanasov, A.*, Zavatone-Veth, J. A.*, and Pehlevan, C.
[arXiv] -
Spectral regularization for adversarially-robust representation learning
Yang, S., Zavatone-Veth, J. A., and Pehlevan, C.
[arXiv] [code] -
Asymptotic theory of in-context learning by linear attention
Lu, Y. M., Letey, M. I., Zavatone-Veth, J. A.*, Maiti, A.*, and Pehlevan, C.
[arXiv] [code] -
Scaling and renormalization in high-dimensional regression
Atanasov, A., Zavatone-Veth, J. A., and Pehlevan, C.
[arXiv] [code] -
Neural networks learn to magnify areas near decision boundaries
Zavatone-Veth, J. A., Yang, S., Rubinfien, J. A., and Pehlevan, C.
[arXiv] [code]
- Nadaraya-Watson kernel smoothing as a random energy model
Zavatone-Veth, J. A., and Pehlevan, C.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 013404. (2025)
[link] [arXiv]
Long Sequence Hopfield Memory
Chaudhry, H. T., Zavatone-Veth, J. A., Krotov, D., and Pehlevan, C.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 104024. (2024)
Invited contribution to the Machine Learning 2024 special issue; updated version of our NeurIPS 2023 paper. -
Learning curves for deep structured Gaussian feature models
Zavatone-Veth, J. A., and Pehlevan, C.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 104022. (2024)
Invited contribution to the Machine Learning 2024 special issue; updated version of our NeurIPS 2023 paper. -
Adversarially-robust representation learning through spectral regularization of features
Yang, S., Zavatone-Veth, J. A., and Pehlevan, C.
Workshop on Symmetry and Geometry in Neural Representations, NeurIPS (2024). -
In-context learning by linear attention: exact asymptotics and experiments
Lu, Y. M., Letey, M. I., Zavatone-Veth, J. A.*, Maiti, A.*, and Pehlevan, C.
Workshop on Mathematics of Modern Machine Learning, NeurIPS (2024).
[OpenReview] -
Partial observation can induce mechanistic mismatches in data-constrained RNNs
Qian, W., Zavatone-Veth, J. A., Ruben, B. S., and Pehlevan, C.
Workshop on NeuroAI, NeurIPS (2024)
[OpenReview] -
Partial observation can induce mechanistic mismatches in data-constrained models of neural dynamics
Qian, W., Zavatone-Veth, J. A., Ruben, B. S., and Pehlevan, C.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 37. (2024)
[link] [bioRxiv] -
Statistical mechanics of Bayesian inference and learning in neural networks
Zavatone-Veth, J. A.
PhD dissertation, Department of Physics, Harvard University.
[ProQuest] [Harvard DASH]
Long Sequence Hopfield Memory
Chaudhry, H. T., Zavatone-Veth, J. A., Krotov, D., and Pehlevan, C.
Associative Memory and Hopfield Networks Workshop Oral, NeurIPS (2023)
[OpenReview] -
Neural circuits for fast Poisson compressed sensing in the olfactory bulb
Zavatone-Veth, J. A.*, Masset, P.*, Tong, W. L., Zak, J. D., Murthy, V. N.#, and Pehlevan, C.#
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 36. (2023)
[link] [OpenReview] [bioRxiv] [code] -
Long Sequence Hopfield Memory
Chaudhry, H. T., Zavatone-Veth, J. A., Krotov, D., and Pehlevan, C.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 36. (2023)
[link] [OpenReview] [arXiv] [code] -
Learning curves for deep structured Gaussian feature models
Zavatone-Veth, J. A., and Pehlevan, C.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 36. (2023)
[link] [OpenReview] [arXiv] -
Replica method for eigenvalues of real Wishart product matrices
Zavatone-Veth, J. A., and Pehlevan, C.
SciPost Physics Core 6 (2): 026. (2023)
[link] [arXiv]
Asymptotics of representation learning in finite Bayesian neural networks
Zavatone-Veth, J. A., Canatar, A., Ruben, B. S., and Pehlevan, C.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 114008. (2022)
Invited contribution to the Machine Learning 2022 special issue; updated version of our NeurIPS paper. -
Contrasting random and learned features in deep Bayesian linear regression
Zavatone-Veth, J. A., Tong, W. L., and Pehlevan, C.
Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop, NeurIPS. (2022)
[link] -
Training shapes the curvature of shallow neural network representations
Zavatone-Veth, J. A.*, Rubinfien, J. A.*, and Pehlevan, C.
Symmetry and Geometry in Neural Representations (NeurReps) Workshop, NeurIPS. (2022)
[OpenReview] -
Natural gradient enables fast sampling in spiking neural networks
Masset, P.*, Zavatone-Veth, J. A.*, Connor, J. P., Murthy, V. N.#, and Pehlevan, C.#
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 35. (2022)
[link] [OpenReview] [bioRxiv] [code] -
Excitatory and inhibitory neural dynamics jointly tune motion detection
Gonzalez-Suarez, A. D., Zavatone-Veth, J. A., Chen, J., Matulis, C., Badwan, B. A., and Clark, D. A.
Current Biology 32 (17) 3659-3675. (2022)
[link] [bioRxiv] [code] -
Contrasting random and learned features in deep Bayesian linear regression
Zavatone-Veth, J. A., Tong, W. L., and Pehlevan, C.
Physical Review E 105 (6): 064118. (2022)
[link] [arXiv] -
On neural network kernels and the storage capacity problem
Zavatone-Veth, J. A., and Pehlevan, C.
Neural Computation 34 (5): 1136–1142. (2022)
[link] [arXiv] -
Parallel locomotor control strategies in mice and flies
Gonçalves, A. I.*, Zavatone-Veth, J. A.*, Carey, M. R.#, and Clark, D. A.#
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 73: 102516. (2022)
[link] [arXiv] -
Drifting neuronal representations: Bug or feature?
Masset, P.*, Qin, S.*, and Zavatone-Veth, J. A.*
Biological Cybernetics 116: 253-266. (2022)
Depth induces scale-averaging in overparameterized linear Bayesian neural networks
Zavatone-Veth, J. A., and Pehlevan, C.
55th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers. (2021)
[link] [arXiv] -
Asymptotics of representation learning in finite Bayesian neural networks
Zavatone-Veth, J. A., Canatar, A., Ruben, B. S., and Pehlevan, C.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 34. (2021)
[link] [OpenReview] [arXiv] [code] -
Exact marginal prior distributions of finite Bayesian neural networks
Zavatone-Veth, J. A., and Pehlevan, C.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 34 Spotlight. (2021)
[link] [OpenReview] [arXiv] [code] -
Activation function dependence of the storage capacity of treelike neural networks
Zavatone-Veth, J. A., and Pehlevan, C.
Physical Review E (Letter) 103 (2): L020301. (2021)
[link] [arXiv]
Statistical structure of the trial-to-trial timing variability in synfire chains
Obeid, D., Zavatone-Veth, J. A., and Pehlevan, C.
Physical Review E 102 (5): 052406. (2020)
[link] [bioRxiv] -
Spatiotemporally precise optogenetic activation of sensory neurons in freely walking Drosophila
DeAngelis, B. D.*, Zavatone-Veth, J. A.*, Gonzalez-Suarez, A. D., and Clark, D. A.
eLife 9: e54183. (2020)
[link] [code] -
A minimal synaptic model for direction selective neurons in Drosophila
Zavatone-Veth, J. A., Badwan, B. A., and Clark, D. A.
Journal of Vision 20 (2): 2. (2020)
[link] [bioRxiv] [code]
Using slow frame rate imaging to extract fast receptive fields
Mano, O., Creamer, M. S., Matulis, C. A., Salazar-Gatzimas, E., Chen, J., Zavatone-Veth, J. A., and Clark, D. A.
Nature Communications 10: 4979. (2019)
[link] [code] -
Dynamic nonlinearities enable direction opponency in Drosophila elementary motion detectors
Badwan, B. A., Creamer, M. S., Zavatone-Veth, J. A., and Clark, D. A.
Nature Neuroscience 22: 1318–1326. (2019)
[link] [code] -
The manifold structure of limb coordination in walking Drosophila
DeAngelis, B. D.*, Zavatone-Veth, J. A.*, and Clark, D. A.
eLife 8: e46409. (2019)
[link] [erratum] [code]